Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Azure APIM Policy: Maintain CORS Allowed-Origins per Environment using Named Values

In this post let's see how we can maintain  CORS policys' allowed-origins in Azure API Management (APIM) per environment.

In APIM, the CORS policy looks like this:
<cors allow-credentials="true">
Most of the time, allowed-origins will be different in each environment. For example,  in a Production environment, we don't want to allow https://localhost:4200

We can manage these using named values.

Let's add a named value of type Plain as follows.
web-allowed-origins named value
Value is basically comma-separated origins.

And now, we can modify the CORS policy as below:
<cors allow-credentials="true">
      string[] allowedOrigins = "{{web-allowed-origins}}"
          .Replace(" ", string.Empty)
      string requestOrigin = context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("Origin", "");
      bool isAllowed = Array.Exists(allowedOrigins, origin => origin == requestOrigin);
      return isAllowed ? requestOrigin : string.Empty;
And now the policy doesn't contain any environment-specific values. In different APIM environments, you can have different values for web-allowed-origins named value.

Imagine, you want to allow https://localhost:4200https://* You can further customize the policy by doing something like the following.
<cors allow-credentials="true">
        string[] allowedOrigins = "{{web-allowed-origins}}"
            .Replace(" ", string.Empty)
        string requestOrigin = context.Request.Headers.GetValueOrDefault("Origin", "");
        bool isAllowed = Array.Exists(allowedOrigins, origin =>
            if (origin.Trim() == requestOrigin)
                return true;
             if (origin.Contains("*"))
                string[] originParts = origin.Split('.');
                string[] requestOriginParts = requestOrigin.Split('.');
                if (originParts.Length != requestOriginParts.Length)
                    return false;
                for (int i = 0; i < originParts.Length; i++)
                    if (originParts[i] == "https://*")
                    if (originParts[i] != requestOriginParts[i])
                        return false;
                return true;
            return false;
        return isAllowed ? requestOrigin : string.Empty;
Hope this helps.

Happy Coding.


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