A couple of days back Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.9 was released and it is the final minor update to Visual Studio 2017. As of now, 2 service updates have been already released and currently, it’s on 15.9.2.
Visual Studio About |
One of the major features released with Visual Studio 15.9 is an update to how Visual Studio Tools for .NET Core determines the version to .NET Core SDK to use with.
Prior versions were using whatever the latest .NET Core SDK installed in your machine, meaning that even if you have installed a preview version of .NET Core SDK, a stable version of Visual Studio was using that preview version.
So starting from Visual Studio 15.9, it will be defaulted to use the latest stable .NET Core SDK installed in your machine. But you can always choose to opt-in to use the preview versions of .NET Core SDK in Visual Studio by going to Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->.NET Core and selecting Use previews of the .NET Core SDK.
.NET Core Options |
I also have the latest preview version of Visual Studio 2017 installed which is Version 15.9.0 Preview 6.0 as of now.
Visual Studio About |
But in the preview versions, I can’t opt out from using the preview versions of .NET Core SDK.
.NET Core Options |
The option is disabled and the reason is, for Visual Studio to work properly, it needs the preview versions.
Hope this helps.
Happy Coding.