Thursday, June 1, 2017

Creating a Release Build of an ASP.NET Core Project using Docker ASP.NET Core Build Image

In one of my previous posts I wrote about Creating and Debugging Docker Enabled .NET Core Project in Visual Studio 2017 and in this post let’s see how we can create a release build of an ASP.NET Core Project using official Docker ASP.NET Core Build Image.

Right now I have a Docker support enabled ASP.NET Core MVC Application created (If you don't know how, you can read my above mentioned previous post).

Note: I have created the solution using Visual Studio 2017, but you don't need to have Visual Studio 2017 to create this solution. dotnet SDK and Visual Studio Code should be more than enough. For the next steps, we only need dotnet SDK and cmd/PowerShell.

Let's proceed. I have a clean solution, no obj/bin folders present yet.
No obj/bin folders
I have a PowerShell window opened on the root folder level.
PS C:\Users\Jaliya\Desktop\DockerComposeWebApp>
Next to do a Release build what I would do is do a dotnet restore and a publish like below.
# Restore packages
dotnet restore .\DockerComposeWebApp\DockerComposeWebApp.csproj
# Publish on Release mode
dotnet publish -c Release .\DockerComposeWebApp\DockerComposeWebApp.csproj
But in that case the build would be done on my local machine, instead here I want to use a Docker Container to do the building.

Now let’s open up the in my local folder. Remember I did not write this file myself, Visual Studio 2017 created this for me when I have enabled Docker Support for my project (if you want to know how to get these docker-compose.xxxxx.yml files created when using Visual Studio Code, you can read this previous post of mine Running ASP.NET Core MVC Application inside a Docker Linux Container from Windows).
version: '2'
    image: microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.0-1.1
      - .:/src
    working_dir: /src    
    command: /bin/bash -c "dotnet restore ./DockerComposeWebApp.sln && dotnet publish ./DockerComposeWebApp.sln -c Release -o ./obj/Docker/publish"
Here you can see that we have a service named ci-build which uses microsoft/aspnetcore-build Image and that is the official Image for building ASP.NET Core applications (version will be changed time to time). Then my current folder is getting mapped to src folder in the ci-build Container (which is not yet created). After Container is created and running, it’s working directory will get changed to src and the given command will get executed. And basically what the command does is a dotnet restore and a dotnet publish (here output path is set to .\obj\Docker\publish).

Now from PowerShell let’s run the following command.
# docker-compose up: Builds, (re)creates, starts, and attaches to containers for a service.
PS C:\Users\Jaliya\Desktop\DockerComposeWebApp> docker-compose -f .\ up
docker-compose up
(Note: since I already had microsoft/aspnetcore-build Image locally, it didn't get downloaded again. If not, downloading status of the image will be displayed here.)

Now if we examine the \DockerComposeWebApp project folder, we can see obj/bin folders has been created and if we go to .\obj\Docker\publish folder, build contents are there.
Published Folder
Now we have a Release build created using a Docker Container (remember we didn’t do the build on our local machine).

For a further step, to make sure all is good, let’s package this content into a another Docker Container and see whether it works.

version: '2'
    image: dockercomposewebapp    
      context: ./DockerComposeWebApp      
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:1.1
ARG source
COPY ${source:-obj/Docker/publish} .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "DockerComposeWebApp.dll"]
version: '2'
      - ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development    
      - "80"
PS C:\Users\Jaliya\Desktop\DockerComposeWebApp> docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml -f .\docker-compose.override.yml up
docker-compose up
docker images & docker ps
:latest Image of a build has been created and a Container is running which got instantiated from that Image.

Now let’s just browse the running port. And yes, it is working.
Site Running inside a Docker Container
Happy Coding.


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