In this post let's have a look at another feature in EF Core 9.0.
Consider the following code example.
public record Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
private class EmployeeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Employee>
private EmployeeConfiguration() { }
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Employee> builder)
builder.Property(e => e.Name)
Prior to EF Core 9.0, if you try to ApplyConfigurationsFromAssembly, above EmployeeConfiguration will not be discovered. Because the entity configurations had to be types with a public, parameterless constructor.
But with EF Core 9.0, above EmployeeConfiguration will be discovered and we don't need to have a have a public type anymore.
While maintaining Entity Configuration along with Entity seem polluting the domain, I can certainly see an advantage. We now no longer have to look at a different file to see a particular entities configurations, everything is in one place.
At least now we don't have a code constraint, the developer can decide which approach (public type vs private type) they are going to take.
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