Sunday, September 8, 2024

Azure Pipelines: DurableTask.Netherite: Netherite backend requires 64bit, but current process is 32bit.

Recently one of our .NET Isolated Azure Durable Functions got switched to use Netherite as its storage provider and suddenly all the integration tests started to fail in the Azure DevOps CI pipeline. 

The underlying error was:  

DurableTask.Netherite: Netherite backend requires 64bit, but current process is 32bit

In the pipeline, we were using FuncToolsInstaller@0 to install Azure Functions Core Tools.

task: FuncToolsInstaller@0
  displayName: Install Azure Func Core Tools

Upon investigating, noticed FuncToolsInstaller@0 is using x86 version of Azure Functions Core Tools.

Checked choco (chocolatey), it was also using x86 as well, fortunately, npm was using x64 by default.
bash: |
    npm i -g azure-functions-core-tools@4 --unsafe-perm true
  displayName: Install Azure Func Core Tools

And that solved the issue.

Created microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks enhancement request for FuncToolsInstaller@0.
   [enhancement]: FuncToolsInstaller@0: Use win-x64 for Windows

Hope this helps.

Happy Coding.


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