Tuesday, October 2, 2018

ASP.NET Core: Setting Up HTTPS Local Development Certificate in MacOS

In this post let’s see how we can configure local HTTPS certificate in MacOS for an ASP.NET Core web application.

You can use dotnet-dev-cert which is a command line tool to generate certificates used in ASP.NET Core during local development. To install the tool, you can simply run the following command (note: the version can be different, it's the version as of today).
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-dev-certs --version 2.1.1 
Once installed, you can generate a certificate just by running the below command.
dotnet dev-certs https -ep localhost.pfx -p dev
dotnet dev-certs
You can run the command with --help flag to see more options about the tool.
dotnet dev-certs https --help

dotnet dev-certs https --help
Once the certificate is generated, you should be able to see the certificate in Keychain Access. You can easily open Keychain Access by using Spotlight or, navigating to Applications -> Utilities -> Keychain Access.

Keychain Access
Now you need to trust the certificate for SSL by double-clicking on the certificate, expanding Trust and selecting Always Trust in Secure Socket Layter (SSL) dropdown.
Keychain Access
Hope this helps.

Happy Coding.


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