Wednesday, October 2, 2024

DNS Resolution in Internal Container Apps Environments (CAE)

In this post, let's see how an App A can communicate with a container app: App B deployed on a Container Apps Environment (CAE) that is integrated into a VNet using internal virtual IP. App A is running inside the same VNet.
Create Container Apps Environment
The container app: App B, has Ingress enabled and accepts traffic from anywhere within the VNet.
Container App: Ingress settings
Now from App A, let's try to communicate with App B.
Server can't find
App A can't resolve the address. 

The reason:
So let's create and configure an Azure Private DNS Zone for domain resolution.

I am using the Azure  CLI (on Windows).
# Declare Variables

# Retrieve the default domain of the Container App Environment
$CA_ENV_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = az containerapp env show `
  --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
  --name $CA_ENV_NAME `
  --query properties.defaultDomain `
  --output tsv

# Retrieve the static IP of the Container App Environment
$CA_ENV_STATIC_IP = az containerapp env show `
  --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
  --name $CA_ENV_NAME `
  --query properties.staticIp `
  --output tsv
Let's create the Private DNS Zone first.
# Create the Private DNS Zone
az network private-dns zone create `
  --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
Create the Private DNS Zone
Next, we need to add a Virtual Network Link to the target VNet.
# Create the Virtual Network Link
az network private-dns link vnet create `
  --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
  --name $VNET_NAME `
  --virtual-network $VNET_NAME `
  --zone-name $CA_ENV_DEFAULT_DOMAIN `
  --registration-enabled true
Create the Virtual Network Link
Finally, create a A Record to point to the default domain of CAE.
# Create the A Record
az network private-dns record-set a add-record `
  --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP `
  --zone-name $CA_ENV_DEFAULT_DOMAIN `
  --record-set-name '*' `
  --ipv4-address $CA_ENV_STATIC_IP
Create the A Record
Now let's try to communicate with App B again.
And that's it.

Hope this helps.

Happy Coding.
