
Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Session: Improve Developer Productivity and Code Quality with GitHub at the First Ever Microsoft Reactor Pop-Up, New Zealand

First-Ever Microsoft Reactor Pop-Up, New Zealand started today and it's a three-day event. 

Microsoft Reactor Pop-Up, New Zealand
Microsoft Reactor Pop-Up, New Zealand
Day 1 was targetting on Application Innovation with Azure, Day 2 on Innovating with Data and AI and the Day 3 is all about the new Azure NZ North region.

I got the opportunity to deliver a session on the first day and the session was about Improving Developer Productivity and Code Quality with GitHub. There were also some amazing sessions delivered by Microsoft FTEs and MVPs.

There in the session, I went through demoing GitHub Copilot using JavaScript, Python and C# examples. Then went through GitHub Advanced Security Features which are Code Scanning, Secret Scanning, Dependency Review, and Security Overview.

It was fun!

If you missed today, you can still join for Day 2 and Day 3 to learn from some amazing list of speakers.

Happy Coding.


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