Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Text Analytics Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework and Microsoft Cognitive Services

You can use Microsoft Bot Framework to create a Bot or rather conversation agent using C# or Node.js. The nice thing is you can use Bot Connector (which is a component of Bot Framework), to integrate your Bot with text/sms, Office 365 mail, Skype, Slack, and some other services.

I have been playing around with Bot framework and built this Text Analytics Bot and it's powered by Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) and Text Analytics API which is available with Microsoft Cognitive Services. It is still under development and the complete source code is hosted in GitHub.

Currently you can initiate the dialog by greeting to the bot. As this bot is still learning his stuff out, currently you can only submit feedback for an event, forum etc. You can trigger that intent by sending something like "submit feedback, share feedback etc". Currently this bot is integrated with Skype, Slack and Facebook.
Sample Conversation
Take a look at the following sample.
Sample Conversation
Bot is just smart enough to extract information and to know that whether it received all the necessary information at one go. Then he shouldn't be asking any more questions. Isn't it just great.

Just give it a try,
   Text Analytics Bot

And please do contribute to the project.

Happy Coding.


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